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Objectives and key results (OKRs) is a framework for defining and tracking goals and their outcomes. It was created by Intel CEO Andy Grove and brought to Google by venture capitalist John Doerr and has been used by LinkedIn and Twitter. In many instances, OKR processes are synonymous with quarterly planning.
  1. Learn OKRs with the Practica AI Coach

    The Practica AI Coach helps you improve in OKRs by using your current work challenges as opportunities to improve. The AI Coach will ask you questions, instruct you on concepts and tactics, and give you feedback as you make progress.
  2. Intro to OKRs

    OKRs are a goal-setting framework that helps companies align their efforts towards achieving specific objectives. They consist of objectives and key results that are measurable, ambitious, and time-bound.
  3. Common OKRs Challenges

    These are common challenges people face when gaining expertise in okrs. Tackling these challenges head-on can help you learn this skill quicker.

    I’m an Engineering Manager at a tech company. I'm struggling with setting realistic and achievable OKRs for my team. The nature of our work is highly unpredictable, so it's difficult to accurately estimate the time and effort required for each project. This leads to frustration and demotivation when we consistently fail to meet our OKRs. How can I set more realistic OKRs that take into account the uncertainties and challenges of our work, while still pushing my team to achieve their best?
    I’m a Product Manager at a mid-sized tech company. We recently implemented OKRs as a way to align our team's goals and measure our progress. I'm facing challenges in getting everyone on board with the OKR framework. Some team members are resistant to change and want to stick with the old way of setting goals. How can I convince my team members of the benefits of OKRs and get everyone on board?
    Work on your own challenge with the Practica AI Coach
  4. Implementing OKRs

    Implementing OKRs requires a clear understanding of the company's vision and strategy, as well as effective communication and collaboration across teams. It's important to start with a pilot program and continuously iterate and improve the process.
    • Upserve logo
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  5. Good Examples of OKRs

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  6. OKRs Cheat Sheet

    Here is a quick reference for the top 4 things you need to know about OKRs.

    1. Step 1: Define Clear Objectives
      • Set ambitious and measurable objectives that align with the company's strategic goals.
      • Ensure each objective is specific, time-bound, and has a clear owner.
      • Keep the number of objectives manageable to maintain focus.
    2. Step 2: Establish Key Results
      • Define key results that serve as measurable milestones towards achieving the objectives.
      • Use quantifiable metrics to track progress and determine success.
      • Ensure key results are challenging yet attainable to drive motivation and growth.
    3. Step 3: Cascade and Align OKRs
      • Cascade OKRs throughout the organization, ensuring alignment from top to bottom.
      • Communicate and reinforce the purpose, benefits, and methodology of OKRs to stakeholders.
      • Encourage collaboration and cross-functional alignment to support shared objectives.
    4. Step 4: Track and Review Progress
      • Regularly track and update key results to monitor progress and identify areas of improvement.
      • Conduct frequent check-ins to assess performance, provide feedback, and make necessary adjustments.
      • Use data-driven insights to inform decision-making and optimize OKRs throughout the cycle.
  7. How to Implement OKRs at Startups

    Startups can benefit from OKRs by focusing on growth and customer acquisition. Examples include increasing website traffic or improving User Retention rates. It's important to set realistic goals and prioritize the most impactful objectives.
    • Geckoboard logo
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  8. Frequently asked questions

    • How often should OKRs be reviewed and updated?

      OKRs should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the company's goals. Most organizations review OKRs quarterly, but some may choose to do so more frequently, such as monthly or bi-monthly. It's essential to strike a balance between maintaining focus on the current OKRs and adapting to changing circumstances or new opportunities.

    • How do I ensure my team is engaged and committed to achieving their OKRs?

      Involve your team in the process of setting objectives and key results. Encourage open communication and collaboration, and provide regular feedback on progress. Recognize and celebrate achievements, and address any challenges or obstacles that may arise. Additionally, ensure that OKRs are aligned with individual team members' goals and aspirations, and provide the necessary resources and support for success.

    • How do I align individual OKRs with team and company OKRs?

      Start by ensuring that everyone understands the company's mission, vision, and strategic priorities. Then, set team OKRs that contribute to the achievement of company OKRs. Finally, work with each team member to set individual OKRs that support the team's objectives and align with their personal goals and development. Regularly review and adjust OKRs to maintain alignment and focus.

    • How do I measure the success of OKRs?

      To measure the success of OKRs, track progress towards key results regularly and objectively. Use quantitative metrics to assess whether objectives have been met, partially met, or not met. Additionally, consider qualitative factors such as team engagement, collaboration, and learning. Regularly review and analyze the data to identify trends, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth. Celebrate successes and learn from challenges to continuously improve the OKR process.