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Learn Storytelling with the Practica AI Coach
The Practica AI Coach helps you improve in Storytelling by using your current work challenges as opportunities to improve. The AI Coach will ask you questions, instruct you on concepts and tactics, and give you feedback as you make progress.Curated Learning Resources
- How to Tell Your Story: A Simple Framework for StartupsTold via SlideShare, Om explains how to create meaningful storytelling over time and the importance of prioritizing long-term narrative over short term wins.
- The Uncanny Valley of Business StorytellingShawn suggests that we can learn a lot about storytelling from intricately crafted novels and films. But putting too much storytelling craft in how you communicate at work can end up coming across as inauthentic and result in losing your audience.
- How This 5X Founder Creates an Internal Culture With a “Crazy Focus” on StorytellingDavid covers: • Adapt your story to (asynchronous) film and focus on internal training • Great storytelling requires painful pruning and the sharp sting of an editor's pen • Lean on inversion and spotlight the hero's journey to create compelling stories • Brush up on your storytelling skills by looking for outside inspiration • Cultivate rituals that reinforce the story
- How Storytelling Can Bring Company Values To LifeRonica outlines how focusing on storytelling can help to communicate critical internal information like Company Values. She gives practical advice on how to do this in your organization.