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Product Management

Problems vs. Solutions

219 people are learning this skill right now!
Solving problems includes the steps of how to define problems, how to map problems to solutions, and how to define solutions.
  1. Learn Problems vs. Solutions with the Practica AI Coach

    The Practica AI Coach helps you improve in Problems vs. Solutions by using your current work challenges as opportunities to improve. The AI Coach will ask you questions, instruct you on concepts and tactics, and give you feedback as you make progress.
  2. Intro to Problems vs. Solutions

    This section explores the relationship between problems and solutions, highlighting the importance of understanding both to create effective solutions.
  3. How to Define Problems

    Defining problems involves identifying the root cause, understanding the impact on stakeholders, and considering the context and constraints.
  4. Mapping Problems to Solutions

    Mapping problems to solutions requires considering multiple potential solutions, evaluating their feasibility and effectiveness, and selecting the best option.
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  5. Defining Solutions

    Defining solutions involves creating a clear plan of action, identifying necessary resources and stakeholders, and considering potential barriers and risks.
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